Posted by: islamicfinancingnews | March 23, 2013

Islamic finance and selecting the right furnace

islam41 As we wait for the last bit of snow to melt, some people may be looking at their winter heating bills and wondering the best way to lower their costs next year. The furnace is the best place to start, particularly if your unit is ten to fifteen years old and that’s when Islamic finance alternatives can come in handy. Selecting the right furnace is an important investment that can help keep your family warm in the coldest weather and save you money in the long term.

It’s a good idea to have a professional installer examine your home to determine the best furnace to fit the needs of your house since a proper sized unit will regulate consistent temperature throughout the space. New technology brings new advances in clean, energy efficient furnaces. Today, there are even hybrid or combination models that are designed to automatically switch from wood, oil or electric heat. In the event of a power failure or if there is a shortage of wood to burn, this “smart” furnace uses gravity flow to supply emergency heating.

As with any major home appliance, price is an important consideration but so is the efficiency factor which can vary depending on the price of the unit. Keep in mind, you get what you pay for and a good quality model will provide energy savings and lower heating costs immediately and for the duration of the life of the furnace.

Professional installers can supply the information and expertise you need to replace an older, inefficient furnace. Similarly, a lending professional can steer you in the right direction when it comes to choosing Sharia compliant Islamic loans that are right for you.

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